What broadband you use??

Salam..before i starting to " merepek "
I'm final year student at USM..
i prefer to use broadband to get better internet to do anything ( especially job vacancies )
i thing all of you want better internet to do anything as blogger, chat, download movie and other
so long time i search about broadband at internet..
so many brand..all brand offer their advantage..
i try to be smart user..
i try to compare all brand..include price, quality and other!!
Finally, i chose maxis broadband..
i choice RM98 package per monthly
it good because speed 7.2 mp and volume is 6GB
i thing is good than other brand..( if another brand good than my choice brand please comment for me )
Thanks for someone because buy it for me and pay it per monthly ( something special : who?? it secret )
I swear to you, i try to use this broadband for useful things...

This package!!
cute and interesting

what should i do!!

I'm so boring!!
What should i do??
computer games?
i dont know, what shoud i do??!!
yes i find that??
blog addicted??
not me...
because i sometimes write in the blog!!
what story should i write??
about me?
( sorry this blog not for hamster because i already have hamster blog!!)
what should i do??
i try to find that??
i try?!!
i create this blog not for hurt someone..
i hope..everyone not use their blog or society network to hurt someone..
not good for all...
thinking before do it!!??
beware your self!!

My New Blog..

Im so happy because i have new blog!!...
It blog my second blog..before i create this blog i already have a blog, this blog is "Riang Ria Bersama Hamster"...The blog story about hamster..so i create new blog because i want to share my opinion and interest...i hope u all happy with my blog..sorry if my English broken...hahaha..i want try to improve my life and everything insyallah...

Selamat Bergembira dengan Tuan yang Baru...

Sedih juga melepaskan hamster2ku pada kawan2 tapi terpaksa sebab dah banyak sangat..
KIKI dan BOBO telah diberi pada kawanku Azizul..semoga mereka happy dengan tuan baru dia..BOBO mcm merajuk je bila nak bagi pada tuan baru dia..sedih sangat tapi semoga mereka happy dan tuan baru mereka boleh take care lebih baik dari aku...

Lepas tu, JAMBUL, DONDONG, KIKO dan REZKI aku berikan pada rakanku ILyani...mereka berempat adalah hamsterku yang paling manja sekali tapi tak pe aku relakan dia bersama tuan yang baru...rindu jugak kat mereka..rasa sunyi je...sedih..
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