Salam..before i starting to " merepek "
I'm final year student at USM..
i prefer to use broadband to get better internet to do anything ( especially job vacancies )
i thing all of you want better internet to do anything as blogger, chat, download movie and other
so long time i search about broadband at internet..
so many brand..all brand offer their advantage..
i try to be smart user..
i try to compare all brand..include price, quality and other!!
Finally, i chose maxis broadband..
i choice RM98 package per monthly
it good because speed 7.2 mp and volume is 6GB
i thing is good than other brand..( if another brand good than my choice brand please comment for me )
Thanks for someone because buy it for me and pay it per monthly ( something special : who?? it secret )
I swear to you, i try to use this broadband for useful things...

This package!!
cute and interesting
I'm final year student at USM..
i prefer to use broadband to get better internet to do anything ( especially job vacancies )
i thing all of you want better internet to do anything as blogger, chat, download movie and other
so long time i search about broadband at internet..
so many brand..all brand offer their advantage..
i try to be smart user..
i try to compare all brand..include price, quality and other!!
Finally, i chose maxis broadband..
i choice RM98 package per monthly
it good because speed 7.2 mp and volume is 6GB
i thing is good than other brand..( if another brand good than my choice brand please comment for me )
Thanks for someone because buy it for me and pay it per monthly ( something special : who?? it secret )
I swear to you, i try to use this broadband for useful things...

This package!!
cute and interesting